“L’ultimatum se termine ce soir” : la France confirme qu’elle reconnaîtra Juan Guaido si aucune présidentielle n’est annoncée au Venezuela

Un scrutin présidentiel ou rien. La France a une nouvelle fois demandé, dimanche 3 février, au président vénézuélien Nicolas Maduro d’annoncer “d’ici ce soir” la tenue d’une élection présidentielle anticipée, après que celui-ci a promis des législatives anticipées.“L’ultimatum se termine ce soir, a rappelé la ministre chargée des Affaires européennes, Nathalie Loiseau, sur RTL et LCI. Si, …

H&M Group provides update on sustainability efforts

H&M Group has published an update on its sustainability efforts, announcing that it has almost reached its goal of using 100 percent recycled or sustainably sourced cotton. According to the Swedish retail giant’s 2019 Sustainability Performance Report, 97 percent of the group’s cotton is now either recycled or “sustainably sourced.” It also said it will …

Member states failing to meet aid targets

Member states failing to meet aid targets Countries failing to meet their own targets for development aid. European Voice By Toby Vogel 11/11/09, 10:10 PM CET Updated 4/12/14, 6:40 PM CET EU member states will be upbraided by the European Commission next week for failing to meet targets for development aid that they themselves agreed. …

Woman Lost In National Park Found After Spelling 'SOS' With Rocks

SEQUOIA NATIONAL PARK, CA — A woman from Mississippi who went missing for several days inside Sequoia National Park was found alive and safe after an aerial search team spotted a message from her: “S.O.S.” spelled out in rocks. Mary Joanna Gomez was visiting the Bay Area for her job as a traveling nurse, according …

Child passenger safety: What your auto insurance clients need to know

Click:上海服务器数据恢复 It’s so important to choose and use the right car seat correctly every time your child is in the car. Many times, deaths and injuries can be prevented by proper use of car seats, boosters and seat belts. On average, two children under 13 were killed per day in 2016 while riding in cars, SUVs, …

Top 15 private passenger auto carriers in 2018, ranked by NAIC

The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) has released their annual review of insurance groups and companies ranked by their direct premiums written and earned and their market share. Among this report is NAIC’s 2018 ranking of private passenger auto insurance carriers. Collectively, the top 25 carriers in private passenger auto amassed nearly in direct …

Good News In America: Kidney Needed, Frosty's 5-0, Whale Surfing

The most horrible moment in Chris Keyes’s life turned into something beautiful. His 6-year-old son Dominick was trick-or-treating with his twin brother and other children in their Florida neighborhood when a 3-ton pickup barreled through an intersection and struck him, carrying him 50 feet before skidding to a stop. Keyes is still haunted by seeing …

New Substitution Rule for Goalkeepers Adopted for Field Hockey

A new substitution rule for goalkeepers has been adopted in high school field hockey. Effective with the 2017 season, all players, including the goalkeeper, will now enter the game through the 10-yard substitution area. This revision in Rule 1-2-4h was one of eight rules changes recommended by the National Federation of State High School Associations …

40-Second Play Clock, Postseason Instant Replay Among Football Changes

In an effort to establish a more consistent time period between downs in high school football, the play clock will start at 40 seconds instead of 25 seconds in many cases beginning with the 2019 season. This change was one of seven rules revisions recommended by the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) …